Elementor #8674

Repair and Maintenance Request For: ${“Theater making request?”} (Note: This email will be sent to your theater, the Head Manager, District Management and the Owners.)
  1. Manager making request?: ${“Manager making request?”}
  2. Request description:
    – ${“Please describe request.”}
  3. Attempts to solve problem:
    – ${“Please describe any attempts to solve problem.”}
  4. Where is the issue? ${“Where is the issue?”}
  5. Is this request an emergency?: ${“Is this request an emergency?”}
  6. Is there a potential hazard to customers or staff?: ${“Is there a potential hazard to customers or staff?”}
  7. Description of hazard:
    – ${“Please describe the hazard.”}
  8. Picture #1: ${“Picture 1”}
  9. Picture #2: ${“Picture 2”}
  10. Picture #3: ${“Picture 3”}